2:00 p.m. SESSION ONE: Opening
1.1 Call to Order
1.2 Roll Call
1.3 Observer: _______________ Timekeeper: __________________
1.4 Adoption of Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda of the regular meeting of the Board on June 25, 2016, be adopted as presented.
Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________
1.5 Approval of Minutes 1.5 Minutes (Item 1.5)
BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board on March 22, 2016 be approved as presented.
Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________
2:15 p.m. SESSION TWO: Closed Session (120 minutes)
4:00 p.m. Recess
5:30 p.m. for Board Installation Reception and Dinner
SATURDAY, JUNE 257:45 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8:30-8:45 a.m. Reconvene/Continuation of Board Meeting (15 minutes)
Intros and Welcome
8:45 a.m. SESSION THREE: Affiliate, Liaisons and Guests (15 minutes)3.1 CTA
9:00 a.m. SESSION FOUR: Directors’, Region Representative Reports, and Staff Reports
4.1 President’s, Director’s and Regional Representatives’ Reports (20 minutes)
4.2 CEO Report (Item 4.2-5 minutes)
9:25 a.m. SESSION FIVE5.1 Strategic Plan Annual Summary Reports/Café Tables (60 minutes)
4.1-Multilingual Excellence; 2.3-Design for Success Website; 2.1-Professional Development; 3.1- Family and Community Engagement; 4.6-Budget and Development; 4.2-Data Dashboard; 3.4 Advocacy; 3.3-Strategic Partnership; 3.5-Membership/4.3-Chapters; and 2.2-Data Dash Board
2.1 and 2.2 Professional Development Workplan; 2.3 Design for Success Website; 3.1 Family Engagement; 3.3 Strategic Partnerships; 3.4 Advocacy Update; 3.5 Membership; 4.1 Multilingual
10:30 a.m. SESSION SIX6.1 Budget and Actual Variance Report (Item 5.1-20 minutes)
Yvette Chong-Coontz will present the Budget and Actual Variance report. It is recommended that the Board approve the Budget and Actual Variance report for the period July 1 to April 30, 2016, first fiscal quarter.
Financials | Budget Summary | Cash Flow Projections | Power Point | Budget by Catergory | Approved Preliminary Budget for FY 16-17
Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________
6.2 CABE 2016-2017 Proposed Budget (10 minutes)
It is recommended that the board approve the Proposed Budget for 2016-2017 as presented.
Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________
6.3 2017 Theme and artwork (15 minutes)
It is recommended that the board approve the Theme and Artwork for CABE 2017
Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________
6.4 MOU with IME (10 minutes)
It is recommended that the board approve the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Institute of Mexcians Abroud/Instituto de Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME)
Moved: _________________ Second: _______________ Approved: _______________
6.5 CONSENT CALENDAR (5 minutes)
6.5.1 Contract with Velazquez Press for the translation and publishing of “No estás solo” into English.
6.5.2 Fundraising Guidelines under CABE’s 501(c)3 status for CABE chapters/affiliates
6.5.3 Work calendar for 2016-17
6.5.4 Complimentary Membership for CABE Full Time Staff
6.5.5 CABE 2016-17 Conference Schedule
6.5.6 CABE Board of Directors’ Meeting Dates 2016-2017
6.5.7 FY 15-16 Eudit Engagement Letter
Consent Calendar; Conferences 2016-2017; Board Meeting Dates; FY 15-16 Audit Engagement Letter
6.6 MINI CORPs Proposal to celebrate 50 Anniverary at CABE 2017 (5 minutes)
Attached proposal describes the important anniversary that CA Mini Corp is celebrating and their proposal to highlight this anniversary at CABE 2017.
Moved: _________________ Second: _______________ Approved: _______________
11:30 a.m. SESSION SEVEN: Information and Discussion Items7.1 Investment Report (10 minutes)
Yvette Chong Coontz and Jan Corea will provide an update on CABE’s investment process.
Morgan Stanley Investment Custom Report; CABE Sample Investment Approach
7.2 Election Policy (10 minutes)
Approved in closed session: "The Election Committee, as appointed by the President, will convene prior to the September 2016 Board meeting and draft Election Policy to reflect current standards regarding social media, email, etc.”
7.3 International Education Tours (5 minutes)
Karling Aguilera-Fort and Jan Corea will share with Board initial ideas for offering an annual international education tour to visit school systems and promising educational programs world wide.
1:00-4:00 – SESSION EIGHT: Policy and Advocacy Update and Action
The Board will engage in an update and discussion on federal and state legislation and policy. An update on the Ed.G.E. Initiative will be provided along with plans for CABE Board and Membership campaign involvement.
Invited guest: Libi Gil, OELA. Discussion will be facilitated by Jan Corea and Martha Zaragoza-Diaz
CABE Legislative Update; EdGE Initiative PowerPoint
4:00 p.m. SESSION NINE: Adjournment
9.1 Meeting is adjourned The next board meeting of the CABE Board of Directors is scheduled as the CABE board Retreat, September 16 and 17, 2016.
Attested and Approved,