Another hallmark of CABE Professional Development Services (PDS) is its high quality and engaging professional learning offerings. Its expert consultants have extensive experience in classrooms from Pre-K to 12 and beyond. Many also have administrative experience at the elementary, secondary, district, county, and state levels. The CABE PDS team embraces a systematic approach to professional learning and can customize and build upon district and site professional learning plans and programs.
CABE PDS offers a wide array of professional learning for dual language immersion (DLI) and biliteracy programs based on the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education, 3rd edition, including:
- DLI for New Programs (exploring, planning)
- Foundations for a Strong, Successful, and Sustainable DLI Program
- Building/Enhancing a DLI Program at the Secondary Level
- DLI Program Reflection System
- Becoming a Reflective DLI Teacher: Dual Language Teacher Reflection Journal

In addition, CABE PDS also offers research-based professional learning for Spanish DLI teachers, all presented in Spanish and based on the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education, 3rd edition:
- Best Practices in Spanish Dual Language Education
- Authentic Spanish Literacy Instruction
- Academic Spanish Language Development
- Spanish Grammar Instruction (The “What” and the “How”)
- Cross-linguistic Transfer
- Best Practices for Spanish Writing Instruction
CABE PDS offers professional learning for administrators and teachers of English Learners, both elementary and secondary, including:
- Foundations in Integrated and Designated ELD
- Meeting the Literacy Requirements of the CCSS Math and NGSS Science Standards
- English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) 2.0
- Cross-linguistic Transfer
- Preventing the Legacy of Long-Term English Learners