California Association for Bilingual Education
Long Beach Hyatt Regency - Beacon B200 S. Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90802
March 19, 2019
7:30 A.M - 8:30 A.M. Continental Breakfast
8:30 A.M. SESSION ONE: Opening
1.1 Call to Order
1.2 Roll Call
1.3 Observer: _______________ Timekeeper: __________________
1.4 Adoption of Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda of the regular meeting of the Board on March 19, 2019 be adopted as presented.
Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________
1.5 Approval of Minutes (Item 1.5)
BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board on September 15, 2018 to be approved as presented.
Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________
8:40 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.
1.6 Welcome Board Members, Partners and Sponsors
Discovery, Renaissance, Dreambox, GHS
1.7 CABE Connections
When you think of CABE 2019, and past CABE conferences, what is one word or phrase
that comes to mind?
1.8 Reports (Item 1.8)
President’s, Director’s and Regional Representatives’ Report
2.1 Budget and Actual Variance Report (Item 2.1 - 15 minutes)
Yvette Chong-Coontz will present the Budget and Actual Variance report. It is recommended that the Board approve the Budget and Actual Variance report for the period __________ to __________________.
Budget Performance Report |
CABE Preliminary Financial Package |
CABE 990
Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________
9:15 A.M. SESSION THREE: Informational Items and Discussion
3.1 CABE 2019 Attendance and Financial Update (Item 3.1 - 15 minutes)
Yvette Chong-Coontz will provide a fiscal report and update on CABE 2019 registration.
Conference Financial Updates
3.2 CABE 2019 Overview and Schedule (Item 3.2 - 30 minutes)
Delma Chwilinski, Laurie Nesrala, Jan Corea will provide an overview of highlights and the schedule for CABE 2019. Board Members will receive and review final versions of schedules and responsibilities.
CABE 2019 Overview and Schedule
3.3 Legislative Report (Item 3.3 - 30 minutes )
Martha Zaragoza Diaz will provide key legislative and policy updates to the board and share our sponsored bill.
Legislative Report
3.4 Mexican Relationship Update (Item 3.4 -15 minutes)
Enrique Gonzalez will provide an update on Mexico relationships and recent delegation.
Mexican Delegation | Mexico Relations and Collaboration
3.5 Update on Partnership Connections (Item 3.5 - 5 minutes)
Jan Corea will provide an update on CABE’s growing network of partners and connections.
CABE Partners | Partners
3.6 CEI Update (Item 3.6 - 10 minutes)
Cynthia Vasquez Petitt will provide an update on CEI.
Community Engagement Initiative - ECI
3.7 CABE Board Elections (Item 3.7 - 10 minutes)
Jan Corea will share the CABE Board election schedule and process.
Election 2019 Dates |
Executive Board Open Positions 2019
12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M. LUNCH
Board Members Receive Conference, tote bags and badges
5.1 Meeting is adjourned
The next board meeting/installation of the CABE Board of Directors June 21-22, 2019 at CABE HQ.

Opening Board Reception – 5:30-7:30 P.M., Hyatt Regency, Beacon A