Thursday, January 24, 2019
Hilton Sacramento Arden West,
2200 Harvard St., Sacramento, CA 95815
ELPAC 2.0: High-Leverage Strategies for English Learner Success on the ELPAC (TK-12) Audience: Teachers and instructional coaches (TK-12) Would you like to learn more about how to support English Learners in developing higher levels of proficiency in English and in demonstrating their proficiency on the new English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)? here for full description Would you like to learn more about how to support English Learners in developing higher levels of proficiency in English and in demonstrating their proficiency on the new English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)? In this full-day institute, we will learn about the new English Language Development (ELD) assessment, the ELPAC, for California’s English Learners. Based on CABE’s analysis of the ELPAC task descriptions and the ELPAC practice tests, we have identified high-leverage instructional strategies that can prepare students for success on the ELPAC. We will be modeling these high-leverage instructional strategies through the institute, as well as analyzing the ELPAC performance levels and scoring rubrics and their connection to the high-leverage instructional strategies. You will come away with a deeper understanding of how to support English Learners in their journey toward reclassification as Fluent English Proficient (RFEP)! To register: |
Foundations in Developing Spanish Writers in Dual Language Classrooms (TK-5) Audience: Dual Language teachers and instructional coaches (TK-5) Would you like to learn more about creating an engaged community of Spanish writers in your Dual Language classroom? This full-day institute, which will be presented in Spanish, will focus on understanding the stages of development of here for full description Would you like to learn more about creating an engaged community of Spanish writers in your Dual Language classroom? This full-day institute, which will be presented in Spanish, will focus on understanding the stages of development of Spanish writers and the authentic instructional methods that will promote high levels of writing achievement. Using culturally relevant mentor text, we will identify the writing methods that align to the Principles of the English Learner Roadmap, the ELA/ELD Framework, and the Common Core en Español. We will collaborate in interactive model lessons and provide ideas for meeting the needs of diverse learners through writing conferences and small group instruction. You will also learn ways to guide your students to apply what they’ve learned about “how Spanish works” (grammar patterns and linguistic structures) to create more focused and effective writing pieces. Your Spanish writers will not want to put their pencils down and neither will you! To register: |
Foundations in Integrated and Designated ELD: Building Into, Through, and Beyond for English Learner Success (TK-5) Audience: Teachers and instructional coaches (TK-5) Would you like to gain a deeper understanding of what Integrated and Designated ELD look like in a classroom to support higher levels of academic achievement and English language proficiency for your English Learners (ELs)? In this full-day institute, we will review here for full description Would you like to gain a deeper understanding of what Integrated and Designated ELD look like in a classroom to support higher levels of academic achievement and English language proficiency for your English Learners (ELs)? In this full-day institute, we will review the English Language Arts (ELA)/English Language Development (ELD) Framework and the EL Roadmap, the new educational policy for ELs in California, for guidance on how students learn a second language through the provision of Integrated and Designated ELD. We will share the important components of Integrated and Designated ELD and model a science lesson to demonstrate what an Integrated and Designated ELD lesson might look like. We will also share a task-analysis protocol to identify the language demands of content standards to support the development of Designated ELD lessons. You will leave the institute with a deeper understanding of designing and delivering Integrated and Designated ELD lessons! To register: |
English Learner Roadmap: Mapping the Journey to Success for Your District/Site (TK-12) Audience: Teams of district and site administrators, and others responsible for the implementation and support of EL policy and instructional practice (TK-12) Would you like to map your district’s or site’s journey toward success in implementing the new California English Learner (EL) Roadmap? In this full-day institute, we will analyze the California English Learner (EL) Roadmap and here for full description Would you like to map your district’s or site’s journey toward success in implementing the new California English Learner (EL) Roadmap? In this full-day institute, we will analyze the California English Learner (EL) Roadmap and the significant shift it represents in EL educational policy. We will share the companion EL Roadmap Rubrics, which outline various levels of responsiveness to the EL Roadmap in district and site policy and practice, to provide a concrete example of the journey toward the Roadmap’s full implementation. We will subsequently use the EL Roadmap Rubrics to guide your reflection on your district’s or site’s EL program. Based on your reflection of the level of responsiveness to each principle, we will be celebrating the areas of strength and identifying one area for growth. We will then model how to develop a detailed action plan and support you as you write one to move your area for growth to an area of strength in your district or at your site. To register: |