A hallmark of CABE Professional Development Services (PDS) is its high-quality consulting on biliteracy and English Learner education. Its expert consultants have extensive experience in classrooms from Pre-K to 12 and beyond. Many also have administrative experience at the elementary, secondary, district, county, and state levels.

The CABE PDS team can provide support for your district/site projects, including

  • Conducting a feasibility study for the implementation of
    • Dual Language Immersion programs
    • Long-Term English Learner programs
    • Newcomer programs
  • Planning for an elementary Dual Language Immersion program
  • Planning or enhancing the implementation of an existing Dual Language Immersion program at the secondary level

CABE PDS can assist your district/site teams in preparing for:

  • The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) and how to connect it to instruction in the classroom to support English Learners in this new, high-stakes assessment
  • District-wide review of policies, programs, and instruction for English Learners

CABE PDS can also facilitate, in collaboration with district teams, the writing of your district's

  • English Learner Master Plan
  • Dual Language Immersion Master Plan
  • Multilingual Pathways plans

In addition, CABE PDS can provide ongoing coaching for administrators and teachers based on your district-adopted:

  • English Learner program
  • Dual Language Immersion program
  • Integrated English Language Development (ELD)/Differentiated Instruction model
  • Designated English Language Development (ELD) program

CABE PDS has extensive experience in writing materials, developing curriculum maps, and capacity-building through a “training of trainers” (TOT) model in the areas of:

  • English Learner or Dual Language Immersion programs
  • Development of A-G and additional courses for Long-Term English Learners
  • Training of instructional coaches and lead teachers on how to train others on any of our professional learning topics