CABE Professional Development Services (PDS) provides expert, customized consulting and professional learning in the areas of biliteracy and English Learner education, including students’ academic achievement and language acquisition that:
- Aligns with the “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA) as it builds upon a systematic school improvement and/or professional learning plan.
- Aligns with the California Common Core state content standards, including the English Language Development standards.
- Aligns with the "Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education, 3rd edition" (for dual language immersion programs).
- Includes research- and evidence-based instructional strategies to increase student achievement and language acquisition.
- Supports the implementation of instructional programs, such as dual immersion and English Language Development.
- Is designed collaboratively with district and site staff based on data and state standards.
- Aligns with the California Department of Education’s “Quality Professional Learning Standards.”