Bakersfield Marriott and Convention Center, 801 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301
           Audience: Teachers and instructional coaches (TK-12) Would you like to learn more about how to support English Learners in developing higher levels of proficiency in English and in demonstrating their proficiency on the new English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)? In this full-day institute, you will learn about... click here for full description Would you like to learn more about how to support English Learners in developing higher levels of proficiency in English and in demonstrating their proficiency on the new English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)? In this full-day institute, you will learn about the new English Language Development (ELD) assessment, the ELPAC, for California’s English Learners. Based on CABE’s analysis of the ELPAC task descriptions and the ELPAC practice tests, high-leverage instructional strategies have been identified that can prepare students for success on the ELPAC. These high leverage instructional strategies will be modeled throughout the institute, and the ELPAC performance levels and scoring rubrics and their connection to the high-leverage instructional strategies will be analyzed. You will come away with a deeper understanding of how to support English Learners in their journey toward reclassification as Fluent English Proficient (RFEP)! To register: 2.
FOUNDATIONS IN INTEGRATED AND DESIGNATED ELD: BUILDING INTO, THROUGH, AND BEYOND FOR |             ENGLISH LEARNER SUCCESS (6-12)           Audience: Teachers and instructional coaches (6-12) Would you like to gain a deeper understanding of what Integrated and Designated ELD look like in a classroom to support higher levels of academic achievement and English language proficiency for your English Learners (ELs)? In this full-day institute, the English Language Arts (ELA)/English Language Development (ELD)... click here for full description Would you like to gain a deeper understanding of what Integrated and Designated ELD look like in a classroom to support higher levels of academic achievement and English language proficiency for your English Learners (ELs)? In this full-day institute, the English Language Arts (ELA)/English Language Development (ELD) Framework and the EL Roadmap, the new educational policy for ELs in California, will be reviewed for guidance on how students learn a second language through the provision of Integrated and Designated ELD. Important components of Integrated and Designated ELD and a model science lesson will be shared to demonstrate what an Integrated and Designated ELD lesson might look like. A task-analysis protocol to identify the language demands of content standards to support the development of Designated ELD lessons will also be demonstrated. You will leave the institute with a deeper understanding of designing and delivering Integrated and Designated ELD lessons! To register: 3.
BEST PRACTICES IN SPANISH DUAL LANGUAGE EDUCATION / LAS MEJORES PRÁCTICAS PARA LA EDUCACIÓN |             EN DOS IDIOMAS (Pre-K-6)            Audience: Spanish dual language teachers and instructional coaches (Pre-K-6) Would you like to learn more about the unique needs and best instructional practices of a Spanish biliteracy program? In this full-day institute, which is presented entirely in Spanish, you will deepen your knowledge of the CCSS en español for Spanish Language Arts and... click here for full description Would you like to learn more about the unique needs and best instructional practices of a Spanish biliteracy program? In this full-day institute, which is presented entirely in Spanish, you will deepen your knowledge of the CCSS en español for Spanish Language Arts and the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education, 3rd ed., and how to create a strong, successful, and sustainable Dual Language Immersion program. Research-based instructional practices for a Spanish biliteracy program that support the development of students’ biliteracy, high academic achievement, and sociocultural competence will be shared. Examples of how to create a highly effective learning environment that values the cultural and linguistic assets that all students bring to the classroom will be modeled, including cooperative learning, content and language integration, standards‐based planning, cross‐linguistic connections, and ongoing assessment. To register: 4.
THE EL ROADMAP TEACHER TOOLKITS: MAKING MEANING OF THE EL ROADMAP AT THE CLASSROOM LEVEL |            Audience: District and site administrators, instructional coaches, and teachers (Pre-K-12) Would you like to learn how to support the implementation of the EL Roadmap, the California educational policy on welcoming, understanding, and educating the diverse population of students in our schools who are English Learners? In this full-day institute,... click here for full description Would you like to learn how to support the implementation of the EL Roadmap, the California educational policy on welcoming, understanding, and educating the diverse population of students in our schools who are English Learners? In this full-day institute, you will explore the EL Roadmap Teacher Toolkits, which are designed to help teachers make meaning of the EL Roadmap. The toolkits provide assessments of practices through the lens of the EL Roadmap principles that enable teachers to reflect on their own professional learning needs and priorities and to consider the kinds of supports and services needed in their schools. School and district teams are encouraged to attend and participate in rich dialogue on enhancing instructional practices and programs at their sites. To register: |