SEPTEMBER 19, 2015

Hotel Maya
700 QUEENS Way Drive, Long Beach, CA 90802


8:00 - 8:30 Continental Breakfast

8:30 am SESSION ONE: Opening

1.1 Call to Order

1.2 Roll Call

Observer: ____________________ Timekeeper:__________________

1.4 Adoption of Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda of the regular meeting of the Board on September 19, 2015, be adopted as presented.
Moved:_______________________ Second:_______________________Approved:________________

1.5 Approval of Minutes (Item 1.5)
BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board on June 20, 2015, be approved as presented.
Moved:_______________________ Second:_______________________Approved:________________

8:45 am - 10:15 am SESSION TWO: Closed Session

10:15 am SESION THREE: Affiliates, Liaisons and Guests

3.1 California Teachers Association- CTA

3.2 2Way CABE
Affiliate Report | Action Plan


10:30 SESSION FOUR: Directors', Region Representative Reports, and Staff Reports

4.1 President's, Directors' and Regional Representatives' Reports (20 minutes)

4.2 CEO Report (Item 4.2 - 5 minutes)

4.3 Legislative Report (Item 4.3 - 45 minutes)
Attach A Decision on ACLU Lawsuit | Attach B Torlakson News ACLU | Attach C Settlement ACLU | SB 750 Mendoza | Final SB 750 Gov Ltr | Final Action Alert on SB 750

Strategic Plan Reports (Item 4.4 - 60 minutes)

11:40 am
Professional Development Framework 2.2 | Designing for Success 2.3 | Family/Community Engagement 3.1 | Strategic Partnerships 3.3 | Membership 3.5 | Multilingual Excellence 4.1 | Data Dashboard 4.2 | Budget & Fund Development 4.6

12:40 pm - 1:30 pm
LUNCH 1:30 pm SESSION FIVE: Action Items

5.1 Budget and Actual Variance Report and CABE 2015 Financial Summary (Item 5.1 - 15 minutes)
Moved: ____________________ Second: _________________________Approved: ________________

5.2 Final 2015-2016 Budget (Item 5.2 - 15 minutes)
Y. Chong-Coontz will present the final 2015-2016 budget. It is recommended that the Board approve the final 2015-2016 budget as presented.
Moved: ____________________ Second: _________________________Approved: ________________

5.3 Auditors (Item 5.3 - 5 minutes)
It is recommended that the Board approve the new auditors, Stanislawski & Harrison, based on audit committee recommendation.
Moved: ____________________ Second: _________________________Approved: ________________

5.4 Membership Guidelines (Item 5.4 - 15 minutes)
S. Lucero will present some proposed membership guidelines to the board. It is recommended that the Board approve the membership guidelines as presented.
Moved: ____________________ Second: _________________________Approved: ________________

5.5 History Bee (Item 5.5 - 15 minutes)
B. Flores will present a proposal to support the History Bee. It is recommended that the Board approve the support of the History Bee.
Moved: ____________________ Second: _________________________Approved: ________________

5.6 Book Proposal - Parent Voices (Lettie Ramirez and Velazquez Press) (Item 5.6 - 10 minutes)
L. Ramirez and J. Corea will present a proposal for a book to be published by P2I parents
Moved: ____________________ Second: _________________________Approved: ________________

2:35 pm SESSION SIX: Information and Discussion Items

6.1 Program and Events Update (Item 6.1 - 5 minutes)
D. Chwilinski will provide a summary of programs and events for 2015-16 and information for Chapters regarding banners, signage, etc.

6.2 Partnership consideration with ATDLE, ACSA, and CSBA (10 minutes)
J. Corea will share a proposal that CABE will approach the following organizations to consider a formal partnership with CABE-- ATDLE, ACSA,CSBA, CAAASA, and CALSA.

6.3 Multilingual Educator Update (5 minutes)
L. Nesrala and J. Corea will provide an update on the publication of the Multilingual Educator.

6.4 California Aspiring Bilingual Author Award –a proposal from Velazquez Press (Item 6.4 - 10 minutes)
J. Corea will provide a proposal from Velazquez Press for a CABE California Aspiring Bilingual Author Award for Board input and feedback. (Formal action will not be taken on this item yet.)

3:30 pm SESSIONN: Adjournment

7.1 Meeting is adjourned
The next regular board meeting of the CABE Board of Directors will be held on November 21, 2015. (location to be announced)
Attested and Approved,

CABE President, Karling Aguilera-Fort

CABE CEO, Jan Gustafson-Corea