1404 Vacation Rd, San Diego, CA 92109


7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Breakfast

8:30 a.m. SESSION ONE: Opening

1.1 Call to Order

1.2 Roll Call

1.3 Observer: _______________ Timekeeper: __________________

1.4 Adoption of Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda of the regular meeting of the Board on September 17, 2016, be adopted as presented.

Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________

1.5 Approval of Minutes (Item 1.5)
BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board on June 25, 2016 be approved as presented.
Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________

1.5.1 Swearing in of board member

1.6 Connecting

8:45 a.m. SESSION TWO: CLOSED SESSION (75 minutes)

10:00 a.m. SESSION THREE: Reports--Board, CEO and CTA Partners (25 minutes)

3.1 Board Directors and Region Representatives, CEO Report

3.2 Written Reports from CTA Letter to the Board, Letter from the President, Vergara Lawsuit, Prop 58, Meet the Billionaires, CABTE and 2Way CABE

3.3 Announcements and Notifications

3.3.1 Board Meeting Dates

3.3.2 Board Committees

3.3.3 Organizational Chart

3.3.4 Schedule of Events

3.3.5 CABE 2017 Brochures

3.3.6 CABE Strategic Plan

3.3 Strategic Partnerships | 3.5 Membership | 4.1 Multilingual Excellence | 2.3 Designing for Success Website | 2.1 and 2.2 Professional Development

10:30 a.m. SESSION FOUR: Action Items

4.1 CABE 2016-2017 Final Budget (Item 4.1 - 15 minutes)
It is recommended that the board approve the CABE 2016-2017 Final Budget

Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________

4.2 Budget and Actual Variance Report, Investment Report, Audit Prep (Item 4.2 - 25 minutes)
Yvette Chong-Coontz will present the Budget and Actual Variance report along with information on our upcoming audit and investment report. It is recommended that the Board approve the Budget and Actual Variance report as presented.

Actual vs. Budget Summary | 2016 - 2017 CABE Modified Prelim Budget | CABE Financials Package 6-30-2016 | Cash Flow Projections | CABE Financials Package 7-31-2016 | FY 2016-2017 Board Approved Final Budget | FY 2016-2017 Board Approved Final Budget Prelim-vs-Revised Bud

Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________

4.3 Vacancy in Region 1 Representative Position Item 4.3 (5 minutes)
With the recent resignation of Regina Piper as Region 1 Representative due to relocation outside of the US, the Executive Committee proposes that Dr. Annie BichLoan Duong, of San Joaquin County Office of Education, be appointed to serve out the final year of this two year term as Region 1 Representative.

Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________

4.4 Election Policy Election Committee Item 1, Election Committee Notes (15 minutes)
Jan Corea and Election Committee Members will present proposed language for updated CABE Board Election procedures and policy. It is recommended that the Board approve the Election Procedures and Policy.

Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________

4.5 CABE 2017 Board Awards Item 4.5 (15 minutes)
Karling Aguilera Fort and Jan Gustafson Corea will present nominations for the CABE 2017 Board Awards--- Sylvia Mendez et al, California Mini Corps and Enid Lee. It is recommended that the Board approve the CABE 2017 Board Award nominees as presented.

Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________

4.6 CABE 2019 Proposal Item 4.6 (10 minutes)
Delma Chwilinski will present to the Board the proposal for the location of CABE 2019. It is recommended that the Board approve the location for the venue for CABE 2019.

Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________

4.7 Consent Calendar (5 minutes)

4.7.1 Approve Formal Partnerships (Item 4.7.1)

California Math Council

California Mini Corps

Bilingual Foundation for the Arts

Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________

12:00 – 1:15 p.m. Lunch

1:15 p.m. SESSION FIVE: Information and Discussion Items

5.1 Report out from Closed Session (10 minutes)
Karling Aguilera Fort will present an update on some items discussed in Closed Session.

5.2 CABE 2017 (15 minutes)
Delma Chwilinski and Jan Corea will provide an update on CABE 2017 programming, brochures, and registration.

5.4 Legislative and Prop 58 Update (Item 5.4 Leg Advocacy Timelines | CABE Bill Update (90 minutes)
Martha Zaragoza-Diaz, Karen Cadiero Kaplan and Jan Corea will present a report on legislative and policy planning for 2016-17, legislative update, and Prop 58 action planning.
CABE Board Member Action Plan for Prop 58 | Expertise CABE Board | Phone Banking Sign-Up | Sample CABE Board Member Action Plan for Prop 58 | Tardeada

5.5 Observer and Timekeeper Reports (10 minutes)

3:30 p.m. SESSION SIX

6.1 Meeting is adjourned
The next regular board meeting of the CABE Board of Directors is scheduled on January 21, 2017 at the Courtyard Marriott, Baldwin Park.

Attested and Approved,