Hyatt Regency Hotel
1209 L St, Sacramento, CA 95814
Capitol View Room


Call to Order (00 minutes)

1.1 Call to Order

1.2 Roll Call

1.3 Observer: _______________ Timekeeper: __________________

1.4 Adoption of Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda of the regular meeting of the Board on March 27, 2018, be adopted as presented.

Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________

1.5 Approval of Minutes (Item 1.5)
BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board on January 20, 2018 be approved as presented.
Draft-Board Minutes 01-20-18

Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________

1.6 Reports (available on website)

President’s, Director’s and Regional Representatives’ Report

CEO Report


8:45-8:50 a.m. Welcome

myON—Gold Level Sponsor

Lee and Low Books- Gold Level Sponsor

Cynthia Vasquez Petit, Deputy Director

8:50-9:00 a.m. Connecting Activity

We are celebrating our 43rd annual conference this year. What was your first CABE experience or one of your most memorable experiences?

9:00 A.M. SESSION TWO: Informational and Action Items

2.1 Budget and Actual Variance Report (15 minutes)
Yvette Chong-Coontz will present the Budget and Actual Variance report. It is recommended that the Board approve the Budget and Actual Variance report for the period October 2017 to January 2018.

Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________
Budget and Variance Report | CABE Financial Package

2.2 CABE 2018 Attendance and Financial Update (15 minutes)
Yvette Chong-Coontz will provide a fiscal report and update on CABE 2018 registration.
CABE 2018 Annual conference 7 mo. actual-5 | Conference Registration Update

2.3 CABE 2018 Overview and Schedule for CABE 2018 (35 minutes)
Delma Chwilinski and Jan Corea will provide an overview of highlights and the schedule for CABE 2018. Board Members will receive and review final versions of schedules and responsibilities.
Meeting Room Location List 2018 - BOARD (003)

2.4 Membership Meeting and Proxy Votes (20 minutes)
Jan Gustafson-Corea will provide an update on the number of proxy votes received and the agenda for the March 31 Membership meeting.
Proposed Amended Bylaws 2018 | Membership Meeting and Proxy Vote

2.5 Update on Sale of 16033 East San Bernardino Road (10 minutes)
Jan Gustafson-Corea will provide an update on the sale of the building at 16033 East San Bernardino Road.
16033 E San Bernardino Road

2.6 CABE International Education Travel (Item 2.6 - 20 minutes)
Elodia Ortega and Jan Gustafson-Corea will lead a discussion regarding future plans for CABE International Travel.

Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________
International Travel Proposal

2.7 Film proposal by Autografo Films (Item 2.7 - 15 minutes)
Barbara Flores and Jan Corea will present a proposal from Autografo Films for the creation of a film series on dual language immersion.

Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________
Dual Language Film CABE 2

2.8 Legislative Report (15 minutes)
Jan Gustafson-Corea will provide an update on the sale of the building at 16033 East San Bernardino Road.
March 2018 Legislative Report

11:25 A.M. SESSION THREE: Affiliate, Liaisons and Guests (20 minutes)

3.1 Dual Language Education New Mexico (DLeNM)
Over the past four years, CABE and DLeNM have been forging a strong relationship between our two organizations. Executive Director, David Rogers, will share an overview of the vision and focus of DLeNM and engage in a conversation with the CABE Board

11:45 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. SESSION FOUR: LUNCH

Board Members Receive Conference Tote Bags, Name badges and Tickets


5.1 Meeting is adjourned
The next board meeting/installation of the CABE Board of Directors June 8 and 9, 2018 at CABE HQ.

Attested and Approved,

5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. –CABE Board Reception in the CABE Suite
Co-sponsored by CALSA, CLSBA, myON, GHS, AALRR, DCC