MARCH 22, 2016
Hilton San Francisco Union Square – Vista Lounge
333 O’Farrell Street, San Francisco, CA 94102

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.Continental Breakfast

8:30 am SESSION ONE: Opening

1.1 Call to Order

1.2 Roll Call

Observer: ____________________ Timekeeper:__________________

1.4 Adoption of Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda of the regular meeting of the Board on November 21, 2015, be adopted as presented.

Moved:_______________________ Second:_______________________Approved:________________

1.5 (Item 1.5) Approval of Minutes
BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board on November 21, 2015, be approved as presented.

Moved:_______________________ Second:_______________________Approved:________________

Connecting Activity

9:00 am SESSION TWO: Affiliates, Liaisons and Guests

2.1 California Teachers Association- CTA

2.2 2Way CABE (Item 2.2 - 15 minutes)


9:15 am SESSION THREE: Directors', Region Representative Reports, and Staff Reports

3.1 President's, Vice President's, Directors' and Regional Representatives' Report on JDA (15 minutes)

3.2 CEO Report (Item 3.2 - 5 minutes)

3.3 Legislative Report (3.3 - 30 minutes)
Intro Legislation | March 2016 | SBE Practitioners List | Non-Profit Lobbying PPT

SESSION FOUR: Informational and Discussion Items

4.1 CABE Book: No Estas Solo: Recetas Para Obtener Exito, De Padres Para Padres (10 minutes) Lettie Ramirez will present the newly published book authored by parents and partners.

4.2 Updates on past board items (10 minutes)
Jan Corea and Karling Aguilera Fort will provide brief updates on items discussed at the previous board meeting: ELLLI, CABE Headquarters building, Yerba Buena proposal.

4.3 CABE 2016 (45 minutes)
Jan Corea will provide a programmatic overview and highlights of CABE 2016 including dignitary and special guest schedule. Board members will be provided their detailed daily agendas and roles and responsibilities.

Ana Script | Barbara Script | Elodia Script | Esabel Script | Francisca Script | Karling Script | Lettie Script | Marissa Script | Olivia Script | Ramon Script | Raul Script | Regina Script | Rosa Script | Sally Script

4.4 Investment Plan (Item 4.4 - 15 minutes) Jan Corea and Yvette Chong-Coontz will share the investment strategy and policy developed by Morgan Stanley for CABE. It is suggested that the board approve the CABE Investment Policy and strategy for the next three years (through 2019).
CD Accounts | CABE Draft IPS | CABE Sample Investment Approach | CABE UMA Proposal | CABE

11:10 am SESSION FIVE: Action Items

5.1 Budget and Actual Variance Report (Item 5.1 - 15 minutes)
Yvette Chong-Coontz will present the Budget and Actual Variance report with a specific CABE 2016 Financial report. It is recommended that the Board approve the Budget and Actual Variance report for the period October 1, 2016 to January 31, 2016.
Board Financials | Actual vs Budget Summary | Annual Conference SF for BOD | Cash Flow Projections BOD

Moved: ____________________ Second: _________________________Approved: ________________

5.2 (Item 5.2 2014-15 Audit Report 20 minutes)

Accountants from Stanislawski and Harrison will present the CABE 2014-15 audit report. The CABE Audit Committee recommends that the board approve the 2014-15 audit.
CABE Audit Committee Meeting | CABE Financial Statement | CABE Single Audit Report | CABE Audit Representation Letter | Governance Letter

Moved: ____________________ Second: _________________________Approved: ________________

5.3 CABE 2018 & 2019 Venues (Item 5.3)
Jan Corea will present possible CABE 2018 & 2019 venues

SESSION SIX: Adjournment

6.1 Meeting is adjourned

The next boardeeting of the CABE Board of Directors (to be determined)

Attested and Approved,

CABE President, Karling Aguilera-Fort

CABE CEO, Jan Gustafson-Corea