Courtyard Marriott Los Angeles Baldwin Park
14635 Baldwin Park Towne Center, Baldwin Park, CA 91706



8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Breakfast

8:30 a.m. SESSION ONE: Opening

1.1 Call to Order - Karling Aguilera-Fort

1.2 Roll Call - Aida Madison

1.3 Observer: _______________ Timekeeper: __________________

1.4 Adoption of Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda of the regular meeting of the Board on January 21, 2017, be adopted as presented.

Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________

1.5 Approval of Minutes (Item 1.5)
BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board on September 17, 2016 be approved as presented.

Moved: ________________ Second: _______________ Approved: ____________

1.6 Connecting Activity


10:30 a.m. SESSION THREE: Affiliates, Liaisons and Guests
Affiliates members, liaisons and guests may comment on items on this agenda (Total 10 min)

3.1 CTA Affiliate


10:40 a.m. SESSION FOUR: Action Items

4.1 2015-16 Audit Report (Item 4.1 - 15 minutes)
Accountants from Clifton Larson Allen LLP will provide review of the 2015-2016 Fiscal Audit. The Audit Committee recommends that the Board approve the 2015-2016 audit report.

4.1 Government Letter | 4.1 Financial Statement | 4.1 Management Letter

Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________

4.2 Budget and Actual Variance Report for the period of September 2016-November, 2016 (Item 4.2 - 15 minutes)
It is recommended that the Board approve the Budget and Actual Variance Report for the period of September 2016-November, 2016.

4.2 Financial Package | 4.2 Cash Flow Projections | 4.2 Actual vs Budget Summary | 4.2 Conference Financial Updates

Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________

4.3 By Law Changes (Item 4.3 - Proposed Amendment | Elections - 15 minutes)
It is recommended that the Board approve the changes to the Bylaws as presented by Mary Hernandez, Legal Counsel, and Jan Corea, CEO.

Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________

4.4 NABE Board Candidate (Item 4.4 - 10 minutes)
Karling Aguilera-Fort will present two candidate proposals for the NABE Board of Directors, Western Region. As a NABE affiliate, CABE must send an endorsement for a candidate to run for this position. It is requested that the Board select one candidate to be endorsed by CABE to run for the Western Region Representative position.

Moved: _________________ Second: ______________ Approved: ________________

11:35 a.m. SESSION FIVE: Information and Discussion Items

5.1 Strategic Plan Update (Item 5.1 - 25 minutes)
Priority Area Leads will provide a brief presentation highlighting the new work done in their area since July 2016.

2.1 PDS | 2.3 Designing for Success | 2.4 Multilingual Excellence | 3.1 Family Engagement | 3.3 Strategic Partnerships | 3.5 Membership

12:00 p.m. Lunch (30 minutes)

5.2 CABE 2017 (Item 5.2 - 20 minutes)
Delma Chwilinski and Jan Corea will provide an update on CABE 2017 program, registration, sponsorship, and other details.

5.3 JDA Planning (Item 5.3 - 10 minutes)
The CABE Vice-President and Regional Representatives will provide an overview of the planning for CABE 2017 JDA.

5.4 Report on Meeting with Sobrato Family Foundation (Item 5.4 - 10 minutes)
Karling Aguilera Fort and Jan Corea will provide an update on the meeting with the Sobrato Family Foundation.

5.5 Report on Post Prop 58—We Won!!! (Item 5.5 - 10 minutes)
Jan Corea and Martha Zaragoza Diaz will provide an update on post Prop 58 data, activities and next steps.

Prop 58 | Bill Text SB 1174 English Language Education | Post-Prop 58 Handout v.10 | Post-Prop 58 Handout v.10 Span

5.6 Report from National EL Roundtable (Item 5.6 - 5 minutes)
Jan Corea will provide a brief report on the Jan 9, 2017 National EL Roundtable Meeting.

5.7 Legislative Update and Discussion (45 minutes)
Martha Zaragoza Diaz and Karen Cadiero Kaplan will provide an update on legislative policy and recent actions and lead the Board in discussion around new priorities.

Legislative Report 2017-18 | Sponsored Bills | Version to Legislative Counsel | Bilingual Teacher Pipeline Bill

2:10 p.m. SESSION SIX: Directors and Regional Representatives’ report

6.1 Directors, Regional Representative, and CEO Reports. (Item 6.1 - 20 minutes)

CEO Report | Region Updates

6.2 Observer Report ( - 10 minutes)

2:40 p.m. SESSION SEVEN: Adjournment

7.1 The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

The next regular CABE Board of Directors meeting will be March 28, 2017 in Anaheim, CA from 8:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Attested and Approved,