CABE BOARD MEETING California Association for Bilingual Education
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
1333 Bayshore Hwy, Burlingame, CA 94010


September 13, 2014 - 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

7:30 Breakfast

8:00 a.m. SESSION ONE: Opening

1.1 Call to Order

1.2 Roll Call

Observer: ____________________ Timekeeper:__________________

1.4 Adoption of Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda of the regular meeting of the Board on September 13, 2014 be adopted as presented.
Moved:_______________________ Second:_______________________ Approved:________________

1.5 Approval of Minutes (Item 1.5)
BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board on June 28, 2014 be approved as presented.
Moved:_______________________ Second:_______________________ Approved:________________

8:15 a.m. SESSION TWO: Board Connections

Welcome (30 minutes)

8:45 a.m SESSION THREE: Directors’, Representatives’ and Staff's Reports

3.2 Legislative Update (40 minutes - Item 3.2)
E. Ortega-Lampkin and Ma. Zaragoza-Diaz will present a legislative update.

3.3 President, Director and Regional Representatives' Reports (30 minutes - Item 3.3)

3.4 CEO Report (5 minutes - Item 3.4)

10:00 a.m. SESSION FOUR: Affiliates, Liaisons and Guests

4.1 California Teachers Association- CTA (5 minutes)

4.2 2-Way CABE (5 minutes)

4.3 CABTE (5 minutes)

10:15 a.m. SESSION FIVE: Information and Discussion Items

5.1 Strategic Plan Update (15 minutes - Item 5.1)
F. Sánchez and J. Corea will provide an update and introduce board to the new Strategic Plan Consultants.

5.2 CABE Staffing and Consultants (10 minutes - Item 5.2 | CABE Staffing)
J. Corea will introduce new staff.

5.3 CABE 2015 Report ((15 minutes - Items 5.3) J. Corea and D. Chwilinski will provide an update on the progress of CABE 2015 planning.
Exhibitor Brochure | CABE 2015 Awards Brochure | Art work and Artist |Regional Conference | One Day Institute Brochure | Upcoming 2014-2015 Conferences

5.4 CABE 2015 Board Awards (25 minutes - Item 5.4) J. Corea will discuss the board award categories and nominees for CABE 2015.

5.5 CABE PDS Update (10 minutes - Item 5.5) J. Corea and E. Jimenez will provide an update on CABE PDS contracts and plans for 2014-15

5.6 CABE Project 2 INSPIRE Update (10 minutes - Item 5.6 and Parent Brochure)
M. Villa will provide an update on the progress of Project 2INSPIRE for 2014-15.

5.7 Technology Update (10 minutes - Item 5.7) N. Rocha will provide an update on new technology advances at CABE HQ

5.8 Membership (10 minutes - Item 5.8) D. Chwilinski, and N. Rocha will share plans for CABE 2015 membership and plans for the new membership website.

12:00 p.m.

12:45 p.m. SESSION SIX: Action Items

6.1.1 6.1.2 (30 minutes)
Budget and Actual Variance Report for the period of April 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014. Item 6.1.1 and Item 6.1.2)
Yvette Chong-Coontz will present the Budget and Actual Variance report. It is recommended that the Board approve the Budget and Actual Variance report for the period of April 1, 2014 to May 31 2014.
Moved: ____________________ Second: __________________________ Approved: ________________

6.2 2014 - 2015 Budget 30 minutes - Item 6.2 and Item 6.2.1
J. Corea, Y. Chong-Coontz and the CABE Finance Committee will present final budget for 2014-2015.
It is recommended that the Board approve the Final Budget for 2014-2015.
Moved: ____________________ Second: __________________________ Approved: ________________

6.3 CABE 2017 Venues (15 minutes - Item 6.3) D. Chwilinski will present to the board the different venue location options for CABE 2017.
It is recommended that the Board approve the venue location for CABE 2017.
Moved: ____________________ Second: __________________________ Approved: ________________

2:00 p.m. Closed Session 3:00 P.M. SESSION SEVEN: Adjournment

7.1 Meeting is adjourned
The next regular board meeting of the CABE Board of Directors will be on November 15, 2014 in Covina, CA.

Attested and Approved
CABE President, Francisca Sánchez
CABE CEO, Jan Corea