March 4, 2015
strong>California Association for Bilingual Education

Town & Country Resort and Convention Center
500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108


10:30 am to 4:30 pm

10:00 - 10:30 Continental Breakfast 10:30 am SESSION ONE: Opening

1.1 Call to Order

1.2 Roll Call

Observer: ____________________ Timekeeper:__________________

1.4 Adoption of Agenda
BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda of the regular meeting of the Board on March 3, 2015, be adopted as presented.
Moved:_______________________ Second:_______________________Approved:________________

1.5 Approval of Minutes (Item 1.5)
BE IT RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board on November 15, 2014 be approved as presented.
Moved:_______________________ Second:_______________________Approved:________________

1.6 Welcome & Board Connections

10:45 am TWO: Legislative, Directors', Region Representatives' and Staff Report

2.1 Legislative Update (35 minutes - Item 2.1)
E. Ortega-Lampkin and M. Zaragoza-Diaz will present a legislative update.

2.2 President, Director and Regional Representatives' Reports (20 minutes - Item 2.2)

2.3 CEO Report (5 minutes - Item 2.3)

2.4 Strategic Plan Report
  • Membership (Stanley Lucero) Membership Consultant Report | Membership Consultant Strategic Plan | Student Clubs | Membership Consultant Strategic Work Plan
  • Data Dashboard (Ramon Zavala) Data Dashboard CCR | Data Dashboard ELL Group | Data Dashboard Star Group | Multilingual Education Data Dashboard | Multilingual Parent Survey
  • Website for Design
  • Professional Development (Elizabeth Jimenez) PDS Update | PDS Work Plan

  • 12:05 pm SESSION THREE: Affiliates, Liaisons and Guests

    3.1 (5 minutes)
    California Teachers Association- CTA

    12:10 PM Tour of CABE 2015 Rooms and Events (optional)

    12:30 - 1:15 pm Lunch (5 minutes)

    1:15 pm SESSION FOUR: Action Plans

    4.1 Audit Report (15 minutes - Single Audit | CABE Exit 2014 | FS CABE 2014 (1) | FS CABE 2014 (2))
    Vasquez and Co. will present the CABE 2013-14 fiscal audit via Skype. The CABE Audit Committee recommends that the Board approve the Audit Report as presented.
    Moved: ____________________ Second: __________________________Approved: ________________

    4.2 (30 minutes Items) Budget and Actual Variance Report for the period of October 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 and CABE 2015 Financial Summary
    Financials Board Package | Budget vs. Actual Summary Board Package
    Yvette Chong-Coontz will present the Budget and Actual Variance report. It is recommended that the Board approve the Budget and Actual Variance report for the period of October 1- December 31, 2014.
    Moved: ____________________ Second: __________________________Approved: ________________

    2:00 pm SESSION FIVE: Information and Discussion Items - CABE Financial Report/Update

    5.1 CABE 2015 Financial Report/Update (15 minutes - Item 5.1)
    Yvette Chong-Coontz will present an update on the CABE 2015 financial report - registration, exhibits, etc.)

    5.2 CABE 2015 (Item 5.2 - 60 minutes)
    J. Corea, D. Chwilinski, and Laurie Nesrala will provide an update on the progress of CABE 2015 program and individual board member assignments.

    5.3 CABE 2016 Artwork
    J. Corea and K. Aguilera-Fort will provide the board with a recommendation on the artist and artwork for CABE 2016 which will be held in San Francisco, March 23-26, 2016.

    5.4 California ABLE Fund
    J. Corea will provide update on CA ABLE fund along with Sandra Anderson and Felipe Agredano.

    3:20 pm SESSION SIX: Closed Session

    4:00 pm SESSION SEVEN: Adjournment

    7.1 Meeting is adjourned
    The next board meeting of the CABE Board of Directors will be on June 19, and 20, 2015.

    Board, staff, consultants will reconvene at 6:30 in the Tiki Ballroom for CABE 2015 Board Reception with sponsors, planning committee, honorary chairs.

    Attested and Approved
    CABE President, Francisca Sánchez
    CABE CEO, Jan Gustafson-Corea